Another thing I love is living in a place where I can wear my flip-flops all year round. That would be the lower mainland of BC. For me this is so amazing because I grew up in a place where snow stayed on the ground for a decent portion of the year, 5-6 months to be a little more precise. I really don't like shoes, I appreciate them and all, but I don't like having my feet all sweaty and confined in socks and shoes. So to me living in a place that I can wear sandals is perfect! However that is beside the point when it comes to this post, I just left like I had to share that, because the majority of this day I was in sandals or barefoot.
My wonderful boyfriend and I love to play outside and have adventures. One this particular day I decided to let him choose whatever he wanted to do, he chose biking and so that is what I did. I secretly was excited about this because that meant I could also take pictures of him which also made my day. (What a great team eh?) We had a lot of fun trying new things, him on his bike and me working with the camera. We also made some new friends while at the bike park.
I really like this set of photos I hop you can enjoy them as well!

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